Lot 95

JAPON, XVIe siècle. Période Muromachi

Importante sculpture de Dainichi Nyorai (Mahavairocana)

Représenté assis en Kekka Fusa (position de lotus), vetu d'une longe robe ample et rehaussé à la laque dorée de motifs géométriques, les mains en Hokkai jō-in mudra (concentration du royaume de Dharma)
L'assemblage en bois de cyprès est fait selon la technique warihagi zukuri d'éléments de bois séparés et réassemblés.
Socle à forme de lotus, les pétales juxtaposés.

Une inscription à l'intérieur de la sculpture:
仏師 (Busshi, Sculpteur): 常夢 (Tsune Yume)
à/pour: 念仏寺(nenbutsuji, temple)

Hauteur sans socle : 56 cm
Hauteur du socle: 18 cm
Hauteur totale : 74 cm

Nombreuses traces de polychromie et laque ancienne.

Provenance: collection privée du Sud de la France

Un test de datation Radiocarbone du laboratoire QED confirmant l'époque accompagne ce lot.

H: 55.0 cm

Estimate : 15 000 € - 20 000 €

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JAPON, XVIe siècle. Période Muromachi

Importante sculpture de Dainichi Nyorai (Mahavairocana)

Représenté assis en Kekka Fusa (position de lotus), vetu d'une longe robe ample et rehaussé à la laque dorée de motifs géométriques, les mains en Hokkai jō-in mudra (concentration du royaume de Dharma)
L'assemblage en bois de cyprès est fait selon la technique warihagi zukuri d'éléments de bois séparés et réassemblés.
Socle à forme de lotus, les pétales juxtaposés.

Une inscription à l'intérieur de la sculpture:
仏師 (Busshi, Sculpteur): 常夢 (Tsune Yume)
à/pour: 念仏寺(nenbutsuji, temple)

Hauteur sans socle : 56 cm
Hauteur du socle: 18 cm
Hauteur totale : 74 cm

Nombreuses traces de polychromie et laque ancienne.

Provenance: collection privée du Sud de la France

Un test de datation Radiocarbone du laboratoire QED confirmant l'époque accompagne ce lot.

H: 55.0 cm

Estimate : 15 000 € - 20 000 €

Additional information :

XVIth century, Muromachi period. Important Wood Sculpture of Dainichi Nyorai (Mahavairocana)

Carved and assembled from cypress wood in warihagi zukuri technique and modeled as Dainichi Nyorai seated in the lotus position with the hands held in the "knowledge fist" gesture, the hair arranged in a tall standing top knot and previously adorned with a crown (hokan) now missing and munakazari (ornamental necklace)
The delicate features of the face, with black mustache and forehead scallop above the inlaid glass urna between the arched brows. The glass eyes are white with black pupils.
The drapery shows areas of meticulous gilded diaperwork.
The lotus throne plinth supporting the figure is carved with overlapping green lotus leaves detailed with gold veins.

Red lacquer inside the statue: 仏師 (Busshi/carver): 常夢 (Tsune Yume) at/for: 念仏寺(nenbutsuji, temple)

A radiocarbon test from the QED laboratory confirms the dating of this lot.

Dainichi (Great Sun) is the central and supreme deity of the pantheon of Esoteric Buddhism. In origin he has been linked to an ancient sun cult and to the Zoroastrian god of light, Ashura Mazda. In Brahmanical literature the appellation Vairocana (primordial or supreme Buddha) appears, for example, as the name of a legendary king and of the king of the Ashura. In Buddhism he assumes a central role in Esoteric Buddhism he eventually took the place of Shaka (the Historical Buddha), as expositor of the Buddhist teachings, becoming the central figure in the Esoteric Buddhist pantheon as represented by the Taizokai Mandara (Womb World Mandala) and Kongokai Mandara (Diamond World Mandala). In Japan Dainichi also figures among the so-called Jusanbutsu (Thirteen Buddhas), presiding over the memorial service held on the 12th anniversary of a person’s death.

Dainichi differs iconographically from other Buddhas in that he is represented in the form of a Bosatsu, seated, wearing silk robes and accessories such as armlets and bracelets, and having long locks of hair. He also wears a Gochi Houkan (five-wisdom bejewelled crown) on his head, symbolising his identity with the Gobutsu (Five Buddha) and Gochi Nyorai (the five wisdoms) attributed to them.
Dainichi may be identified by his distinctive hand-gestures: in the Taizokai Mandara he forms the hokkai jouin (Concentration seal of the Dharma-realm), with both hands lying on his lap, right on top of left, palms upward and thumbs touching, while in the Kongokai Mandara he forms the chiken-in (seal of the knowledge fist), with the clenched right hand posed over the extended index finger of the otherwise clenched left hand.

State :

Manques, accidents et possibles anciennes restaurations.

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