Faites estimer vos objets d'art asiatiques

Estimation gratuite en ligne de vos objets de collection

Porcelaine, ivoires, sculptures, jade..., décrivez vos oeuvres, envoyez-nous quelques photos et nos experts vous donneront une estimation de la valeur de vos objets.

1 - Describe your artwork

Object dimensions (cm) *

Object dimensions (cm)

Les mesures seront données sans les socles. Pour les tableaux, dessins ou estampes, à l’intérieur du cadre.
Thank you for describing your object as accurately as possible.

Detailed description of your object

Please indicate the source (purchase, succession, donation …), the expertises already carried out and any element likely to help us in our evaluation.

Upload your pictures *

You can add up to six pictures.
Formats : png, jpg ou gif

The appraisal for your work of art is in progress

To allow our experts to make a fair estimate, here are some tips for taking the appropriate pictures of your object :

  • Shoot the front and the back and below the base objects
  • My invoices
  • Detailed description
  • Collection labels

2 - Your contact details

I agree that the values ​​and / or the information given in response to the requests can not in any case be considered as expertises incurring the responsibility of Asium. These indicative values ​​and / or information are given only to the applicant and can not be communicated to third parties.